Building for the future
25th November 2019
Regulating a low carbon economy
25th November 2019Energy Ireland 2019

Speakers: Paul McGowan, Commission for Regulation of Utilities; Tanya Harrington, Powerscourt; Minister Richard Bruton, TD; Megan Richards, European Commission and Jim Gannon, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland.
The 23rd annual Energy Ireland® was a huge success – once again bringing together Ireland’s energy sector in June for two days of debate and networking. Alongside the conference plenary which explored Ireland’s energy future and policy, the conference also featured sessions focusing on the future role of gas; digital energy and energy security.

Speakers: Paul McGowan, Commission for Regulation of Utilities; Tanya Harrington, Powerscourt; Minister Richard Bruton, TD; Megan Richards, European Commission and Jim Gannon, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland.

Thierry Brearley, Eurotech Renewables Limited, with Paul Price, Irish Environmental Network and Barry McMullin, Dublin City University.