Energy Ireland 2023
Towards an integrated, clean and secure energy system
11 and 12 May ∙ Croke Park, Dublin


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Energy Ireland
Energy Ireland 2023 recently took place on 11-12 May at Croke Park, Dublin. Over 300 delegates attended the two day event which was opened with an address from Matthew Balwin, European Commission.
Delegates in attendance heard from 43 speakers, both visiting and local, from organisations including the Department for the Environment, Climate and Communications; European Commission; Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland; ESB; Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, SSE; Commission for Regulation of Utilities; Bord Gáis Energy, Gas Networks Ireland and University of Warwick.

Key themes for the 2023 conference:
- Geopolitical context to the energy transition
- Improving Ireland’s energy security
- Developing Ireland’s offshore wind energy resources
- Future electricity system development
- Decarbonising Ireland’s gas network
- Role of renewable energy technologies in the energy transition
- Importance of digital networks in Ireland’s energy future

Gallery from past #EnergyIreland events
- Stephen Robb & panel Mid room
- Neil Walker & panel
- Brendan Cooney, Muireann Lynch, Stephen Robb, Joanne Moran, Neil Walker
- Q3 wide view
- Niamh McGovern
- Michael Galvin
- Niamh Callanan
- Delegate
- Michael Galvin, Tanya Harrington, Paul Deane, Niamh Callanan, Colm O’Neill, Niamh McGovern & Jim Gannon
- Paddy Hayes
- Q1
- Philip Rogers & Iulian Vdovvincenco
- Ian O’Flynn & Catherine Sheridan
- Mike King & Don Mccarthy
- Dave Kirwan & David Lowe
- Harry Molloy & Roisin McLaughlin
- Paula Campbell & Michael Brandon
- Brian Ó Gallachóir
- Anouk Honoré
- Panel Session 3
- Caroline Kuzemko
- Linda Clarke
- Full room front left
- Matthew Baldwin
- Tanya Harrington
- Peter Lantry
- Delegates
- Malcolm Keay
- John Young & Aideen Mallon
- Úna Nic Giolla, Anne-Marie Clancy & Noel Cunniffe
- Hugh Cummins & Donna Gartland
- Ana Domingues
- Peter Hynes, Owen Lewis & William Walsh
- Karen Kavanagh & Edwina Nyhan
- Nikky Van Leeuwen Briggs & Saoirse Gahan
- David Lowe & Peter O’Shea
- Delegate during Katja Yafimava presentation
- Dave Kirwan
- Maria Ryan
- Kim McClenaghan, Rory Monaghan & Jim Gannon
- Coffee break
- Q&A-Paddy Hayes
- Delegates applauding
- Paddy Hayes
- William Walsh
- Full room front right
- Catherine Sheridan & Cathal Marley
- Sharan Kaur, Nisha Kandola & Nick Sillito
- John Young
- Panel-Q&A
- Paul Moran, Ana Domingues, Owen Lewis & Adam Berman
- Paddy Turnbull & Bob Hanna
- Aoife MacEvilly