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COVER STORY - Building a renewable future

Bord na Móna’s new CEO, Mike Quinn discusses the company’s new strategy with Owen McQuade and where he would like to see the company in 2030 and beyond....[full story]

Climate ambition: IEA Executive Director, Fatih Birol

At this year’s Energy Ireland conference the International Energy Agency’s incoming Executive Director Fatih Birol gave a keynote address detailing how the energy sector will have...[full story]

Renewables at a crossroads: Jenny Pyper Chief Executive

Utility Regulator Jenny Pyper looks at what the future holds for the renewables sector and reflects on developments since the Strategic Energy Framework....[full story]

The next step for Irish energy policy

Addressing the annual Energy Ireland conference, Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources Alex White TD sets out the future of Irish energy policy....[full story]

Renewable energy in Northern Ireland

With the impending changes facing the Northern Irish energy market as it prepares to transition to I-SEM, the uncertainty around the implementation...[full story]

Navigating the GridLock

It has been a very exciting year. We have grown the high voltage/power business unit in Ireland (established over two years ago to complement our multidisciplinary...[full story]

Round table discussion: The role of energy storage in Ireland’s energy future

Gaelectric hosted a round table discussion on the benefits of energy storage and how it can facilitate renewable energy development in Ireland....[full story]

Need for speed

Most readers of this article will be aware that the renewable energy sector in Northern Ireland is in a state of flux. As I write, the following DETI consultations are awaiting decisions...[full story]

Sustainable energy: Leading the way to a low carbon future

Dr Eimear Cotter, Head of Low Carbon Technologies, SEAI, looks at the wider economic benefits of investing in energy efficiency and renewables...[full story]

A new European Energy Union

Kilian Gross, acting head of unit for Energy Policy at the Commission, cannot be any clearer – every measure of energy policy must respect all three key objectives of competitiveness...[full story]

Renewable Heat – A Lost Opportunity?

Sustainable biomass supply solutions are our business. In the current economic climate, Irish business cannot afford to ignore the high cost of energy. Many are...[full story]

Renewable incentives under review

With the Renewable Energy Feed in Tariffs closing to new applicants on December 31, the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources...[full story]

Building a renewable future

Mike Quinn took up his role as CEO of Bord na Móna at the start of the year. When asked what his first impressions were, he replies: “The scale of the company. We...[full story]

Indaver: creating strategic infrastructure

Indaver in Ireland: a success story. Indaver Ireland delivers high-quality and cost-effective services in the specialised market of hazardous and non-hazardous...[full story]

Winds of change in Europe

The European Wind Energy Association’s Pierre Tardieu outlines the challenges facing wind energy as it becomes increasingly important in the European energy system...[full story]

Planning for sustainable energy

John McCann from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland looks at how spatial energy planning at the regional, county and local level will underpin...[full story]

The need for energy storage in Northern Ireland

Professor Neil Hewitt of Ulster University discusses Northern Ireland’s future energy system needs and the University’s role in the development of new technologies....[full story]

Is there a fairer way to finance energy subsidies?

Niall Farrell, of the Economic and Social Research Institute, argues that it’s important to ensure the burden of energy subsidies is distributed equitably...[full story]

VAYU Energy: Supporting Ireland’s renewable agenda

Ireland’s target under the EU Directive 2009/28/EC has a binding national overall target for renewable energy consumption of 16 per cent in 2020. In line...[full story]

Denmark’s electricity system for tomorrow

With the smartgrid, Denmark hopes to create the energy system for the future. Peter Markussen of transmission system operator discusses its potential...[full story]

Converting Moneypoint to sustainable biomass is Ireland’s best renewable option

Malcolm Brown, BW Energy, explains why cost effective decarbonisation is critical and how the use of...[full story]

Involving the community in energy transformation

Social scientist Patrick Devine-Wright talks about why Ireland’s energy transformation needs to keep the public involved...[full story]

Growing sustainably by connecting Europe

Friends of the Supergrid’s Marta Navarrete discusses how the grid can contribute to the energy union and the issues that...[full story]

Political parties’ energy priorities

A key feature of the programme at this year’s Energy Ireland® conference was a panel discussion featuring representatives of the leading political parties who were given an opportunity to ...[full story]

The future of renewable energy in Ireland

Professor Brian Ó Gallachóir of the Environmental Research Institute at University College Cork, evaluates how Ireland can reach its low carbon...[full story]

Making the right choices

Brian Motherway, CEO of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland believes that by making the right choices Ireland will have a more sustainable and...[full story]


Contact us

Energy Ireland
Garland House
28-30 Rathmines Park
Dublin 6

Tel: +353 (0) 1 661 3755
